Don't give up on yourself. Don't give up on what you believe in. Don't let people get you down. There are a lot of don'ts in this life. Instead of being negative, I am going to try to be positive. Live. Believe. Have confidence. Hmm... It doesn't have as much of an impact does it? Hehe. I suppose sometimes negativity can be a good thing.
When things are right in front of you, it's not uncommon for you to completely miss them. As we get older, we expect things to be difficult. We understand that there are very very few things that come to us easily. It doesn't always have to be that way though. Things can be as simple too.
I will believe in what I am. I believe in what I can do. I believe in friends. I believe in family. I believe in a higher power. I believe in living even though it can be very hard. But most of all, I believe in a love that is greater than any other. And in so, I believe that all things can be as permanent as we want them to be. I have things that are eternal. It's hard for me to say it plainly because it's difficult to explain the full details especially when I don't quite understand them myself.
I believe in me. I think I know what I'm doing. I know what I want. And I know how to get it. But... I find, that I am quite happy where I am. I don't need any more than I already have.
For some reason, there are people that I once regarded as friends, who still seem to be trying to bring me down. They say things that they know will hurt me. But they say it all the same. It is their choice to be spiteful I suppose. Misunderstandings occur all the time, arguments, fights and the whole shebang. I don't believe in letting these things get in my way though. I don't believe in running away from my problems. But at the same time, I am not about to charge in guns ablaze. I once said to someone that sometimes letting things linger makes it worse. Sometimes over thinking is murderous. Well, it does depend on the situation doesn't it? I find that it is in my best interest to let others do the fighting. I have no interest in trivial conflicts.
Friendships do come and go. I've come to terms with that. Hearts break and heal and break all over again. It's just the way things are. But at the end of each juncture, we grow stronger. I am coming to terms with the fact that there are things about me that I don't need. Things that define what and who I am that I do not require to live. Not survive, but live.
We've all come a long long way. We've all grown up. We're not children anymore are we. I have many people that I want to list out. It will be a rather long. And probably quite incomplete. But here it is:
Luke, Kenny, Rick, Saf, Ben, Daniel, Tasia, Jon, Alicia, Judy, Janice, Daniel, Sean, Madz, Amran, Intan, JJ, Jen, Ayu, Jen, Ctoz, Aira,Yana, Eliza, Prasad, Celia, Geoff, Shereena, Andrea, Arvinder, Alicia, Anita, Ryan, Tavia, Mel, Addie, Alex, Jamie, Tina, Hayley, JonNy...
You people. Friends. People who have shaped me. People who have seen me grow. People who I'm glad to have met. People that I can't imagine living in this world without. Thank you for everything. There will come a point where I might not be able to be there but I will still care. It doesn't matter if that at one point or another in our lives we stop talking. I'll still be there. I'll still be around. I'll still remember.
There is one who remains deep in my thoughts. The one that I think about each and every day. The one that I will always care about. The one that i miss the most. You have taught me that there is hope in everything. You gave me dreams that I never thought I could have. I sleep each night and dream of you and I wake up wondering how you are and what you might be doing. You've never hurt me. You've never taken me for granted. You've never made use of me. You who have been there for me for so long. I am the luckiest person in the world because I have you. You've been the greatest soul that I have ever known. Yes, I get scared when you get angry. But... I know you. And you know me. Heck, you know me better than I know myself. I just wanted to say that I miss you. I know that I'll see you soon. But till then, I will have these dreams of which I am so afraid of waking from. I have each night. Even if it's for a few minutes, they are more important to me than anything I ca think of. Be safe. I will be there one day, and I will stay.