Psychotic Rock Star

The melancholy life of the Psychotic wannabe Rock Star.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

irrefutable weaknesses

Watching sappy feel good movies or seria always puts me in a very depressing mood. It comes as such because I wonder how real it could be. How uncanny that even under such strenuous circumstances, we find the script to be plausible. We allow ourselves to believe that such things really can happen when we know that they can't.

Such things usually make people feel... hopeful. Not me though. Not me.They make me wonder if such happiness ever really exists. Most people laugh at me when I tell them about it. I can't really blame them. After all, I don't exactly like to show this side of me often enough for people to get used to it. The reason why I don't is because I can't really come to terms with it. It leaves me in a vulnerable inferior state of mind. I makes me feel ridiculously incomplete when in actuality I'm not.

And still I watch them. Still I allow myself that few hours and even days to remember what it feels like. To be human.


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