Psychotic Rock Star

The melancholy life of the Psychotic wannabe Rock Star.

Sunday, May 30, 2004

Hypocrites, Love and Friendships

Luke called today. Woke me up. Haha... It's ok I guess. I should've gotten up easlier than 1210 anyways? My favourite CDs are all with Rick at the moment. I have no doubt I'll get them back in one piece... I'm supposed to have met Saf for dinner. But I'm going with my parents. I think they're angry with me. Probably disappointed. I mean it's not easy having the weight of all their expectations on my shoulders. It's not like I want to screw up. I just wish that I weren't such a loser sometimes. I don't mean to be a complete academic idiot. It's not like I'm not working hard. It's not like I want to be like this.

Why is it that people look at me and think I'm so much more than I really am? Why can't they see that I'm just like them? That I'm just human? I feel like I'm going numb. I wish I didn't have to prove myself to everybody ever so often. I wish that people weren't so superficial. I'm not the kind of person who be understood by just looking at my face. That last line didn't seem to make much sense did it?

I realise what kind of place we live in. This world is just too full of stryfe. Why is it that people just don't see that... Why is it that we all have to suffer so much before one person realises it? And then that one person can't do anything because no matter how much they try, no one is listening... Even so, they just return to their normal lives a day or two after seeing what the world is becoming.

I'm beginning to think that the freedom that was given to us is nothing but a complete facade. You can't do anything without having to answer to someone. For example, if I choose to drink a bottle of Vodka straight right now, I'd have to explain to someone why I did it. Why I did such a 'stupid' thing. When people die, the police and forensics always try to find out why. More often than not it might have been natural and no one's fault. But ultimately there's always someone who gets blamed. And someone who wastes away from it. Even if you look on the flip side where you do things like just smile, people will ask you why. Sometimes I look at my friends a small smile plays on the side of my lips just because I'm happy that I've got someone to talk to or more importantly, someone that I can trust and depend on. Sometimes they ask why. And if I told them just that, it's usually always misunderstood. Sometimes I feel like just buying things for people. Just to give them something. It's not like I'm buying their friendship. I haven't expected anything in return at all. And yet... people think there's always some ulterior motive to it.

Everything's so hypocritical. Even me. Dumb isn't it? I hate hypocrites and yet here I am. Look at what I'm doing. I'm in an industry that works by the ability to perform and the understanding of how things are done. Basically an industry that always tried to portray itself as one that doesn't depend on academic credits or how many A's you got in an exam. And yet... Here it is, doing just that. You get all kinds of bodies talking about how we as an organization, as part of the world, shouldn't just be academically smart but also street smart, application smart. So much for that. Maybe I'm just a spoilt brat? Maybe I'm just being a wet blanket. But... I don't like this at all. It's not just some joke. It's not funny.

I don't understand why people can't just be happy for each other instead of having to complain and complain and be jealous or envious. I don't understand why I'm like that sometimes. Isn't there already too much for people to deal with? Isn't it enough? Even with love. Whatever it is. Why can't people just be happy for each other. Technically we're all friends right? Even people who are enemies... What's the bloody point in hating each other? It's just so damned draining. I believe in love. Or at least I try. But it's hard sometimes when you don't know what going on. When things are just too complicated. I don't really like things to be this messy. And yet, it's sometimes the only way that things can be.

Party... Work... School... Ugh...

I really don't like my life anymore. I mean, it's just so damned messy. Everything's just... Complicated.

Shrek 2 was ok guys. Another movie soon ya? You lot are my pillars of strength without whom, I would be falling super fast...

Oh erm, Luke + Kenny, Troy on Monday right? Anyone else wanna come?? Call me and lemme know ya? :)

Thursday, May 27, 2004

pretentious ignorance

All you do is sit there and bitch about how hard your life is. You completely under appreciate the people or should I say person who cares about you even when the world is against them. You continue to be so ignorant of the truth that's right in front of you. When are you going to realize that it's your own fault that you feel the way you do. How can you expect people to come up to you and WANT to partake in your sorrow. Would you honestly do that? Would you? Would you give a damn about the one person you're hurting? Sure, say yes. Sure, say that nobody understand or that the whole word's against you or that it'll sort itself out.

Quite blaming other people for your own flaws and mistakes you pretentious bitch. If you care about people so much you wouldn't be fighting with them. You'd be fighting for them. Unfortunately you don't get that do you. Heck I guess I can sympathize there. After all, you can't fight yourself can you. If you don't want to tell people, then don't expect them to be bothered. I've given on people saving the slightest regards for my feelings. I fight for people who don't give a shit about me. In fact, I begin to wonder if they appreciate it at all. Not like it'll make that much of a difference. Sure I'm running away just like you are. But hey, I'm not complaining because something isn't happening the way I want it to be when I've done NOTHING to deserve it. You wanna know what really hurts? I'll tell you what. When you try to care enough for a person that you make so many sacrifices for and that person doesn't even see it. I wish you could see what you're doing because you clearly don't know. If you cared the slightest bit, you wouldn't be doing this.

What makes me sick is that people I care about read this kinda thing and think I'm targeting them. And what makes things a lot worse is that you don't even know what's happening. And still you blame your unpopularity on others. Kinda sad isn't it? I'm hurting the people I love because of you.

Oh, by the way, that one perfect person? He's got a lot of names. I call him God. He's the one that can help me. No one else can. Don't tell me you can help me when you can't. I've had enough of you. Bleed bitch. Posted by Hello



It's not good enough is it? I can't make it can I? I'm really a world class failure. Damnit. I don't even know how I'm gonna go to school like this now. I don't even think I can make it in Australia if I can't handle this. I don't know what to do. I mean I'm a complete wreck. This module is the reason why I came into Mass Comm. This is the big reason why I fought so hard to pull through and now they're taking it all away from me.

They're only so few people who can help me now. I don't entirely know how I'm going to pull through. I'm scared. More afraid of this than anything I've ever faced in my life. And I don't know what to do or how to deal with it. I'm beginning to really feel all alone and I don't like it. Not one bit.

One thing's for sure, I'm not giving up without a fight.

Wednesday, May 26, 2004


ok, i have a tendancy to post one after another in under half hour points of time.
Bottom line, whatever I'm gonna do, I'm gonna cover my tracks. I'm not stupid. You'll see. You just wait. Amazing isn't it. How I can calm down that quickly. I'm calmer. But I still don't know if I want to cry or if I want to kill. Don't push me.

Hmmm... I'm actually looking forward to work. Tomorrow I'm doing videos and transcribing.

And within a 10 minute time frame, I find myself at a central position. Why? I'll tell you why... I've got an Angel protecting me. Who's watching over you while you can't defend yourself? You have no one. Start worrying bitch. Coz no one will help you when it all comes.

Passive or Agressive. Shut up or Voice out. Pathetic or Me.

Nothing's changed. The minute something good happens and I take it in, someone reaches out and tears it away from me, leaving me stranded. I'm beyond hoping that people give a shit anymore. I'm quite convinced that nobody does. It's a friggin' dog eat dog world and I'm letting myself being eaten alive. I'm gonna have to stop being so passive and calm aren't I.

Oh what to do what to do... I have many numerous ideas. None as lethal as I would like. You're going down you bitch. I'll make you regret this.

Tuesday, May 25, 2004

ooooo Band..... ahaha!
Which Band Should You Be In?
by couplandesque
Your Name
Band NameRadiohead
TrademarkDifferent Coloured Eyes
Love InterestYour Next-Door Neighbour
Created with the ORIGINAL MemeGen!

Ok I was so amused with it that I dumped the guys' names in as well. And waddya know, Kenny, Luke and I are in Radiohead! Hah!

Which Band Should You Be In?
by couplandesque
Your Name
Band NameRadiohead
TrademarkEveryone Claims To Dislike You
Love InterestThe Drummer
Created with the ORIGINAL MemeGen!

Which Band Should You Be In?
by couplandesque
Your Name
Band NameRadiohead
TrademarkColour Coordinated Wardrobe
Love InterestThe Drummer
Created with the ORIGINAL MemeGen!

Which Band Should You Be In?
by couplandesque
Your Name
Band NameManic Street Preachers
TrademarkMental Problems
Love InterestWell-Known Actress
Created with the ORIGINAL MemeGen!
 Posted by Hello


Today was an ok day. Until ONE phone call just destroyed everything. You have crossed me. I have no patience to do anything to you. As much as it hurts me and everything that I am, as much as I feel so bloody worthless now, I can't do anything can I.

I had a dream last night. It was late at night and I was with luke walking under the stars while he was on guard duty. We were drinking coconut juice and were scrapping the flesh of it's shell. Then we started slipping ice down each other's backs. I was wearing some black spag dress and was kinda organza like. He was in uniform and his sleeves were down. I was freezing my guts out so he took off his shirt and put it around my shoulders. And then I woke up. Other than that I remember a lot of grass, smiling and laughing. Hmmm... Well it's better than the dream he had about me and how I knocked him down in my Pugeot and I started buying him loads of stuff coz I felt really bad! To top things off, he was with Kenny while Saf and Rick were in the car with me! Hah!

But I've had weirder dreams like the one I had a couple of nights ago. I received messages from someone who's name I shall not say. I don't really remember what I said but the replies were along the lines of "don't say shit like that", something about how irritating I was and "you know I love you". Needless tosay, I was shocked.

Dreams... They're supposed to mean something. As in they're sposed to have some hidden meaning behind them. I just have to go figure it out then I guess. But I kinda like dreams. And these ones are quite mild actually...

I'm still trying to make myself feel better. Evidently it's really not working out. I hate my life. I hate the way things always come crashing on me.


The Buffy Episode That Defines You!!
by escapist_xbq
Riley: better dead or alive?
Slash: yes or no?
It must be bunnies . . .Hell's Bells
Created with the ORIGINAL MemeGen!


What Band Will You Have An Orgy With?
by emo_chiqxxx
WhereHot Tub
WhenFebruary 16, 2016
How Many Times44
Created with the ORIGINAL MemeGen!


Theme songs of your life
by eponine
your name?
love song:don't wanna miss a thing - aerosmith
depressing song:two beds and a coffee machine - savage garden
party song:crazy love - boomkat
what-the-hell-ever song:how soon is now - t.A.t.U
your lifeordinary day - vanessa carlton
Created with the ORIGINAL MemeGen!


Theme songs of your life
by eponine
your name?
love song:don't wanna miss a thing - aerosmith
depressing song:two beds and a coffee machine - savage garden
party song:crazy love - boomkat
what-the-hell-ever song:how soon is now - t.A.t.U
your lifeordinary day - vanessa carlton
Created with the ORIGINAL MemeGen!


Your (Male) Vampire Chronicles Lover
by darksidestories
LJ Username
Your lover is...Lestat de Lioncourt
Does he give you the dark gift?Yes.
Your affair ends because...It never ends! You two have a nice relationship for all eternity. How nice.
You are also in love with...Nicolas
Created with the ORIGINAL MemeGen!

omg... Lestat!! w00t!!

Ok, if you haven't noticed by now, I'm going crazy with this thing! Ahahahaha!!




What Princess are you?
by CAsoftballchick8
your name
Princess nameJasmine
princess locationthe safari
Color of princess main Dresspink
princess Attitudeshy
princess Secret Wishprince to rescue you
Created with the ORIGINAL MemeGen!


Which Johnny Depp character do you belong with? by cerulean_dreams
You fall in love with
You meetwhile looking for treasure
His friends thinkYou belong together
Your friends thinkyou could do better
You willbe together always
Created with the ORIGINAL MemeGen!

Your Disney Fantasy by cerulean_dreams
User name
Favorite color
You are the Disney characterAriel (The Little Mermaid)
You fall in love withPrince Eric (Little Mermaid)
You make lovein Tarzans treehouse
# of times30
Created with the ORIGINAL MemeGen!


What is your Final Fantasy X/X2 Role?
by ArcaneDruid
PersonaConfused and Confusing
FactionAl Bhed Machine
Created with the ORIGINAL MemeGen!

w00t!! Gippal! Hah!




I've noticed one crucial thing about people in general. It's that they always seem to think and feel that they, whatever they do, whatever troubles they have etc etc, are more important and therefore precede over all others regardless of how many people they irritate, or how they may have hurt people from the things they have said. I have also noticed how people only see life as a two way street when they FEEL like it. Or better still, when it works to their benefit. This also goes along the lines of how hypocritical people can be. For example, they start praying when they are desperate. Wow, they found the best answer to all their troubles. But only when they need it not when they're happy. They disregard the care shown by others when they don't need it and feel hurt/angry/betrayed when they feel upset and don't realise that other people have lives. I'm not entirely sure why I'm saying all this but heck, I am. And as much as some people may think, we're all just too damned self centred aren't we.

Grrrr... Song is taking like soo bloody long to load properly... 3 MB ++ haha! Why am I not surprised... I'm tired. Insane. Erm, happy yet not. Confused more like it... Hah... Posted by Hello

Grim Grinning Ghosts

Ok. So I said that I would NEVER use a template or something that someone else made and blah blah blah... But... I've had it with the previous one and seriously, it's about time I get a nice blog!! Ugh! And I've no time to do it myself so for the time being I shall be using something something some nice person somewhere out there made.

Whoever you are, THANK YOU!!

Again, I am sort of happy. Some people have the amazing gift of just bringing a smile to my face. Thank you. You've made my day! Er.. Night.. Haha... I cannot WAIT for the public holiday next week! Needless to say, I love my breaks!
Posted by Hello

Phenominally Feminin
A picutre of the school toilet sign... Ah... The stink zone that reminds me that I'm but a lowly student and only have to suffer with this intern thing for only a little while... officially, a little under 5 weeks baby!! w00t! I miss school I miss my free time... Posted by Hello

Saturday, May 22, 2004

Yesterday I cried

Officially I've been with FX Media working my butt of for 2 weeks. So far, I've not given in to any of the shit I've had to go through. From things like a total change of environment, a totally new life style. Waking up in the morning and telling people I'm going to work. First day was murder. I swear I had to stop myself from crying a million and one times. But at least before I went in I got a chance to really have fun. Went to watch Helsing with Kenny, Luke, Rick and Marissa. It was ok I guess. We watched Natural Born Killers on my computer, I bought loads of flowers... I have no regrets I guess. Plus, what better way to spend my last weekend then with my best friends? Even though I was totally exhausted by the time it was all over. (Somewhere between 7-8am)

Work is not too bad. So far... I think I've worked on 2 projects? One major one and one not so. Not to mention I went to the Singapore Expo to take on site pictures! I spent a whole afternoon running around fighting through crowds of people to get good pictures in the sweltering heat. I mean, initially I was really depressed about work and all that but it turns out that it's really not to bad once I get used to it. And wouldn't you believe it, I've not yelled or told off anyone! I mean yea I get pissed from time to time but so far my temper has been in check. And with this new change, I've had time to really think about what I've been doing all these years. Sure it eats up all my time but amazingly I can find time to write. A lot.

Emotionally... I'm pretty ok now compared to how I was before. I mean I've spent the good part of my life just Running. I can't help it. Or maybe I can and I just don't want to even try and as a result have been living my life in SERIOUS denial. Which is quite possible... Think about it. From friends to really good friends to going out to fighting to being friends to fighting to really messy and confusing situations... It's kinda too much for me to handle. Everyone probably thinks I'm seriously dumb but it's who I am. Can't help it very much can I? It's not just me anymore. It takes 2 doesn't it. I don't really care if you know who you are or if you think this is stupid. I just need you to know that it still hurts. A lot. And I'm trying very hard to stop it regardless of everything. I'm sure you understand right? It was an agreement and neither of us said anything against it. This is my only way of being able to say it straight to you. Coz I know the chances of you reading are... Well near zero. You don't really care about this kinda thing anyways. If I'm stupid so be it. If I can't go through with this so be it. If you don't understand than it's just to bad. And if you find someone else then I'm happy for you even if I seem upset or jerky. Because if there's one thing I've figured out about love is that it's not just about intimate relations or about hugging or kissing or fucking. It's about about being there. About having someone to talk to. Someone to laugh with, cry with, bitch at, aruge with and someone to spend a life time with. And I have people like that. I have the greatest friends in the world. Heck, most of the time, you fit the profile too. In a sense I'm not really looking for someone. I'm just gonna let someone find me. (Oh yea sure, who's gonna wanna date MeL! sheesh! I wouldn't date me!) Anyways, until you find someone who can do all that and more, I'm just sticking around. Not as someone special but just as a friend, a girl, as me. If you'll notice, I'd do a lot of things for you. Not just you in fact. All you really have to do is ask. Sure you've asked for stuff before. But... that was like what... 1 or 2 years ago? Heh... No one asks, no one really cares enough. It's kinda depressing though... Quite pathetic that it's my nature to give until I have nothing left. And in having nothign left, I will give without expecting anything in return until I am nothingness. I may hope for you to see it but I don't expect it. What we have is different. It's complicated. But it's special none the less. At least we're friends now right? I'm still trying to stop.

Er... oooooook... Moving on....

I've been spending my money like crazy. I've been on a giant buy everything in sight spree. At least someone benefitted from it eh? ;)

I dunno why I do the things I do. I just do it ok? So yea... It's not like anything's changed. Everything's still the same as it was before so please don't think that something's up. In fact, if it really is anything, I'm beginning to understand how important you are to me and how bad I feel for totally under appreciating you. God, I sound like an idiot now. I'm not trying to buy your friendship or anything... Argh!! This is so not coming out right. I'm sorry... I dunno... I just think about everything that we've gone through and I cannot imagine having gone through it with anyone else, I can't imagine having to replace you with someone else. It simply cannot be done. And even if it could be, I wouldn't do it. I wouldn't give you up for anything in the world. I don't know if you know that but yea... Again I stress, nothing has changed. I swear. I just need a friend now ok? There's a lot happening and I've never felt more alone in my life. It's really cool that I've got someone to bitch with, someone to splurge on and someone who totally understands where I'm coming from. Even though what I say doesn't necessarily come out the right way... Just ike this! :P I lurve you man!! I've like seriously been doing a LOT of thinking and I'm dead serious about all this. I mean, what am I supposed to do if the one person who's thoughtful enough to surprise me and keep a smile on my face all day at work until I begin to feel really dumb for smiling and the computer screen all day long........ Oh er, I think I'll be taking off the pic I use on MSN ya? People are SERIOUSLY getting the WRONG ideas!! Haha! Hmm... I know this is like private and shit and I shouldn't be letting the whole world read it etc etc but haha! I don't really give a shit anymore. As far as I'm concerned, you know what I'm talking about and I know what I'm talking about. (I hope.) Either way, I wanted to let you know how much I really am greatful for you being there. You're a God sent Angel. MINE! hehe! Yea right! Promise me one thing though, don't let anything get you down. You're one of the best kinds of people I know. Any better a person and you'd be perfect. I mean it.

What is up with everybody thinking that I'm going out with someone?! I AM NOT!!! I HAVE NOT BEEN!!!! UGH... And please, stop implying or telling me that you think that I'll go out with such and such a person coz it's getting very irritating to hear you go on about it when clearly I have no real interest in them at all!!! Like my life isn't complicated enough without a tonne of other people trying to tell me what to do and how to think. I'm fine with the fact that it's your opinion and your entitled to it. And yes I usually proclaim that you should just tell me shit to my face instead of talking about it behind my back. I get that you care about me. I'm greatful that you think I'm that wonderful a person who all these people might have a possible futire with. But what you don't understand is what I'm going through and how these implications no matter how small or how insignificant they seem to you, are big deals to me. It's not that your're putting ideas into my head or anything. I have many ideas of my own without your help. (Makes you wonder what kinda person I am doesn't it...) But really, thank you for thinking I'm the person who I cannot believe myself to be.

And to the rest of the world who are even CONSIDERING bugging me about work, THINK AGAIN! I AM BUSY! I'm sorry I happen to have a bigger evidently more eventful life than you do. And if you think that it's a purely social one, THINK AGAIN. I can't remember the last time I had a day to myself. I spend all my time doing one thing or another for someone else. The only time I have to myself is when I'm sleeping!!!!

And a last note...

It hurts to have you around.
It's just as bad when you're not.
It kills me when I speak to you when you want to speak to me.
It slashes me to shreds when you don't.
I feel like dying when you can't find it in you to tell me the truth.
I feel so worthless when you do coz I know it won't last.
It's cool when we can talk about the thigns we both love.
It's worse when I can't watch movies, sing, design, write, laugh, cry, talk on the phone or even think of the word love. All because all those thigns, all the things i love were and still are the things you love.
Sometimes it's hard to breathe.
Sometimes I wish I could forget.
Sometimes I wish I'd have known.
Sometimes I wish I knew.
Sometimes I wish you could see.
Sometimes I wish you understoof.
Sometimes I wish I could try.
Most of the time I wish that I could die.

I promise to revamp soon.
I promise to add links soon.
I promise to post more often.
I promise to roll over and die.
Be well.