pretentious ignorance
All you do is sit there and bitch about how hard your life is. You completely under appreciate the people or should I say person who cares about you even when the world is against them. You continue to be so ignorant of the truth that's right in front of you. When are you going to realize that it's your own fault that you feel the way you do. How can you expect people to come up to you and WANT to partake in your sorrow. Would you honestly do that? Would you? Would you give a damn about the one person you're hurting? Sure, say yes. Sure, say that nobody understand or that the whole word's against you or that it'll sort itself out.
Quite blaming other people for your own flaws and mistakes you pretentious bitch. If you care about people so much you wouldn't be fighting with them. You'd be fighting for them. Unfortunately you don't get that do you. Heck I guess I can sympathize there. After all, you can't fight yourself can you. If you don't want to tell people, then don't expect them to be bothered. I've given on people saving the slightest regards for my feelings. I fight for people who don't give a shit about me. In fact, I begin to wonder if they appreciate it at all. Not like it'll make that much of a difference. Sure I'm running away just like you are. But hey, I'm not complaining because something isn't happening the way I want it to be when I've done NOTHING to deserve it. You wanna know what really hurts? I'll tell you what. When you try to care enough for a person that you make so many sacrifices for and that person doesn't even see it. I wish you could see what you're doing because you clearly don't know. If you cared the slightest bit, you wouldn't be doing this.
What makes me sick is that people I care about read this kinda thing and think I'm targeting them. And what makes things a lot worse is that you don't even know what's happening. And still you blame your unpopularity on others. Kinda sad isn't it? I'm hurting the people I love because of you.
Oh, by the way, that one perfect person? He's got a lot of names. I call him God. He's the one that can help me. No one else can. Don't tell me you can help me when you can't. I've had enough of you. Bleed bitch.
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