I've noticed one crucial thing about people in general. It's that they always seem to think and feel that they, whatever they do, whatever troubles they have etc etc, are more important and therefore precede over all others regardless of how many people they irritate, or how they may have hurt people from the things they have said. I have also noticed how people only see life as a two way street when they FEEL like it. Or better still, when it works to their benefit. This also goes along the lines of how hypocritical people can be. For example, they start praying when they are desperate. Wow, they found the best answer to all their troubles. But only when they need it not when they're happy. They disregard the care shown by others when they don't need it and feel hurt/angry/betrayed when they feel upset and don't realise that other people have lives. I'm not entirely sure why I'm saying all this but heck, I am. And as much as some people may think, we're all just too damned self centred aren't we.
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