Psychotic Rock Star

The melancholy life of the Psychotic wannabe Rock Star.

Friday, August 04, 2006


you're a bitch.jpg
Originally uploaded by enter_the_red_realm.
You know, I actually feel really sorry for you. and I kinda feel sorry for myself at the same time. Same old shit over and over and over and over. When is all of this going to end? Really.

Why is it that for some stupid reason or other I keep wanting the things that aren't good for me? No really. I keep wanting the things that are totally wrong for me.

God knows why I'm awake this early. Honestly man, this is so unlike me. Considering how late I slept last night, this is a little odd don't you think? Whatever... I'm still sleepy after having taken a shower. I've got so much work to do and I don't know where or how to start. Infuriating. And yet there is only one thing that I really want to do.


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