Psychotic Rock Star

The melancholy life of the Psychotic wannabe Rock Star.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

iggy iggy iggums :)

my folder died. my assignment folder. i'm relatively calm considering that the assignments that were in there were the ones that aren't due for at least 2-3 weeks. my fingers are numb from trying to calm myself down. i mean come on... it took me ages to gather my thoughts to write it all out. trust me to keep my notes in the same folder eh? i suppose technology isn't that reliable after all. irritating...

So, in an effort to channel my energy else where but within topic, I shall talk about Tim Burton. Now all those who know me know that my love for his work is infinite. Even though I've only watched 10 of the 21 films listed in imdb. Each has it's own dark and twisted setting that always strikes a chord in my mind. I must say that the Corpse Bride was still the disappointing one. I love the way it was done but the story line is warped. BUT if you take it in context of the era then perhaps it's not so farfetched. It still doesn't sit right with me that a person can just marry another without any real love.

It's Iggy's birthday today. Happy 1st Birthday darling. I miss you and your brothers loads. And I wish that I could have been there. But I won't miss the rest of you growing up I hope. Talking about Iggy makes me think of Adam. The love of my life. And as much as he annoys me now and then, I love him all the same. And he loves me too :)


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