Psychotic Rock Star

The melancholy life of the Psychotic wannabe Rock Star.

Monday, October 17, 2005

you're still mine. heh.

What is the point of caring about people who don't give a fuck? What is the point of being all nice to people who you really would rather just murder on the spot? What makes that one person so damned special that you go back on everything you stand for? (ie being nice to people you really don't like)

Ok fine. Maybe it's not about people you don't like but people you agree to disagree with. Or those righteous holier than thous who can't seem to believe that other people might know more than they do about the topic at hand. Like religion. I think near 20 years of being a catholic (of which 17 were devout), I should at least know a thing or two?

How is it that one person can make you so agitated that you land up digging up all the little annoying things that you once put behind you? I'll fucking tell you how. It's when you get too deeply engrossed/involved in them that you make your life circulate around theirs and theirs inevitably circulates around yours. And then you realise that shit, there're other more important things in life. But by the time that happens it's too fucking late.

Luckily for me, it is not too late. Why? Because it's not a crime to miss your friends. And I will not pretend that Mariachi wasn't a friend. In fact he was a pretty damned good one. I just don't think I have patience to deal with any of this bull shit anymore.

So before you lot come bombarding me with questions and what not, go fuck yourselves.


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