Psychotic Rock Star

The melancholy life of the Psychotic wannabe Rock Star.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

just another stupid day

It's been one of those days where I sit around in complete lost as to what to do with myself. It's a well known fact that I don't stay happy over a singular thing for very long and guess what, time's up. I'm looking for the next new thing that will get me grinning like a mad idiot.

I got around to hitting the PSP again with my strange burst of perfectionism and dreams of getting my hands on the launch model iPhone. And believe me, I will find a way to get my hands on it. Well, not the launch model but you get what I mean.

Also, I found myself reminiscing yet again. Not good for people but it happens. I know my thoughts and are writing are ridiculously fragmented now but who cares right?

I find that today everybody seems to be irritating me. Like they're all just out to get at me. And I'm sick and tired of people who start formulating strange, uncalled for (not to mention totally ridiculous) impressions or conclusions about me when they generally don't know squat. I'm irritated with the idea that they perpetuate rumours and comments about me that aren't even true.

I normally couldn't care less for such pricks but I don't know why today it's all just eating away at me. It's like the self fulfilling prophecy only a little different in the sense that you become what people think you are. And at the end of the day when you bitch about your own little insecurities to people who you assume give a damn, they tell you that they don't think you're that bad and that in actuality you're pretty cool. But that's not the point. It's not.

What's worse than people who have nothing else better to do with your life and invade at every opportunity is when you get people telling you about even more people. Nosey little fuckers who some how can't seem to mind their own beeswax.

Nothing like a little bit of paranoia and insecurity to get the blood flowing.

Needless to say I'm in a very touchy and very edgy mood.


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