Psychotic Rock Star

The melancholy life of the Psychotic wannabe Rock Star.

Saturday, January 06, 2007


Call me crazy but I see things with a strange yet interesting new light. Odd because realise that somethings have to be done even as it causes self discomfort. That and the chivalry of considering the needs of others before my own. But, do not assume to believe that I say and do the things that I do out of my own self gain. Part of the time it is but some of the time it's caused by circumstance and a higher interest.

On a lighter note, since Tuesday, I've finished 3 books. Proud? I know I am! :D Paolini has my compliments for two well writ books and a playful scorn at keeping me awake, thirsting for more. Now I am forced to wait for the last installation. Damn it all. Serves me right for ploughing through the texts with such haste. I think I shall open my cupboard and see what other books I may have lying around, waiting for me to start at. :)


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