Psychotic Rock Star

The melancholy life of the Psychotic wannabe Rock Star.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

maybe I really have gone mad

I thought I was going crazy. I thought I was being robbed of something that is innately mine. My dreams have a way for working its way into the waking world or so it seems. It questions everything that I believe in. Everything that I know to be true. And I was afraid. Very much afraid. And then I started praying. It's something I haven't done in quite a while. But I was praying.

I want so many things. But right now, I can't bring myself to want things for myself. I can't ask these things. I won't. And so I will just have to keep moving forward with faith that things will work out as they should. And they will. I believe they will. I don't care if people tell me that what I believe in is wrong. It's still what I believe. I don't require validation from anyone else.

I will continue to live and function as I always have. Even if it means that I have to become something or someone that I never thought I could be. Do not be angry. It suffocates me. Please don't be angry. For yours is power. And power right now, is not worth it. Don't do things that will condemn yourself. Don't live to regret the things that have been done or have yet to be done. The future is in your hands and your hands alone. Please don't throw it away. Don't abandon what hope you have left.

I hate telling people what to do but sometimes, we have to wake them up from the nightmares that haunt them. Things don't always have to be so difficult.


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