Psychotic Rock Star

The melancholy life of the Psychotic wannabe Rock Star.

Monday, April 24, 2006

width="240" height="180"
alt="Minx Exchanging Lustful Indulgence and Sensual, Slow Affection"

I keep seeing people that aren't really there. I keep hearing things that aren't really said. I don't want to be like that. I want to live in the now. But this is what it really is. This is reality. I can't change it. Seriously. My reality has been warped. Changed. I don't quite like it anymore and yet at the same time I accept things the way they are.

Maybe this is just the way things have to be for a whle. Ups and downs. Don't ask me to explain my sudden change. It's not something you should ask of me. Don't wonder why I've become the person I am now. Don't ask what happened to the girl you loveD. I don't ask you these things do I? I don't. I don't pry, I don't press for details. But that's just me. I've come to a point where I believe that somethings aren't worth the trouble of digging about. You may or may not like what you find. And the plain and simple truth is, not everything is about you. A person is never ALWAYS in the spot light and they shoul nont expect to be.

I miss you guys very much. And I wish everything is safe.

I wish you enough.


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