Psychotic Rock Star

The melancholy life of the Psychotic wannabe Rock Star.

Monday, February 06, 2006

invasion of the shit heads

Has anyone ever told you that YOU'RE TOTALLY CLUELESS?! Honestly! How blunt do people have to be to get you to understand what's going on?! Am I the only person who gets the point here?

DO NOT say things you don't mean you stupid shit head! ARGH! They were right you know, people just kept asking me why I bother to make such a huge and elaborately planned effort when in the end it's all going to waste. And I intelligently decided not to listen.

Well, now I sit and wonder if I should have bothered in the first place. I'm not sure if I feel stupid for bothering or good about myself for sticking with it. But sometimes the thought of why I even bothered creeps into my mind. It makes me wonder if it was all worth it or not.

The next few days are going to be something else. Seriously. I don't know what to make of them just yet but hey. We shall see. We shall just have to see what happens. Because for some reason, I feel like I've dying from a massive hang over and the last drink I had was last night with tapioca boy.

Ah well.


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