Psychotic Rock Star

The melancholy life of the Psychotic wannabe Rock Star.

Monday, February 06, 2006


Originally uploaded by enter_the_red_realm.
It's official. The world is about to end! The alcoholic refuses to drink! Hear all about it right here!!

Naah.. I'm not that mean... (or am I :P )

Seriously, 5 hours and many silly and some corny puns down the road, I was the only one sitting there drinking. :| Technically I'm not supposed to considering I'm still on meds but hey! You know what I want right now? A marineire. I crave seafood crepe. Man.......... How like that... how how how how how... I want I want I want. Maybe tomorrow with JADA! Or maybe when Judith comes down. Hmmm... Dunno le dunno le... Gawd, why am I so hyper?!

Rick says there's something wrong with my voice hehehe. Oh well. :P


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