Psychotic Rock Star

The melancholy life of the Psychotic wannabe Rock Star.

Monday, March 16, 2009

You know what? It just occured to me last night that it's not my fault. More often than not in a disagreement, it takes 2. This time however, I'm just the one disagreeing. Protecting myself or protecting a life that I wanted so badly? Ultimately, it wasn't my doing at all. If this is what the fates have in store for me than so be it. I just hope that you know what you're doing. You're insufferable you know. You and your idiocy. I am a lot stronger than you are actually. I'm the one who'd going to come out a lot stronger. And as for you? The one thing you've said that makes sense is that you've made your bed and now you have to sleep in it. I have no more sympathy for you. Hey, if you're so sure that what you're doing is right then so be it. If you think that this is the only way you can progress than fine.

If there was ever a time that I want you to do something it would be now. Go ahead. Do whatever you want. I won't stop you even if I could. You're too stubborn to admit it anyways. Do it. And when all falls to pieces and you're in hell, don't look me up. Don't come running and say that you're sorry that you wish you could go back because you can't. And I won't let you. Not because it'll hurt you, but because I won't let you hurt me again. If anyone's going to hurt me it'll be on my terms. After all, I make my own bed now.


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