Ok. Needless to say I'm not in any right state of mind. Not to say that there is one in the first place. It just hit me, is it impossible to stick to a monogamous relationship? Is it that difficult? I mean... What the fuck right?
I'm watching Sex and the City Season 3. Yes, I got my hands on the DVDs. I love them by the way. But they always make me wonder what the fuck is going on! WHY go back to an ex when you're perfectly happy. WHY?! It's an emotional nuclear war waiting to happen. For fuck's sake, you broke up with the person for a reason right?! RIGHT?!?
And yet despite the logic I'm trying so desperately to inject into this entry, I fail to see the point myself.
It's just like what I was telling Saf a couple of hours ago. My life has turned into something worse than a soap opera. It's become an overly draggy EPIC with not plot. Somebody PLEASE shoot me. I keep having to deal with realities that I really wish didn't exist. For example, I keep getting reminded that in, oh, 7 DAYS I won't be a teenager anymore. Where the hell did all that go?! Argh!!! I'm turning 20!!! Everybody I know is pestering me about what I'm going to do for my birthday like they're expecting me to throw a huge ass party and invite movie stars or God or someone of vast importance.
Let's just get this straight once and for all.
1. I DON'T KNOW what I want to do for my birthday.
2. Even if I did, I'm probably going to be too broke to do anything.
3. Why don't you people come up with suggestions or something.
4. Should I just elect someone to call everyone else and make plans on my behalf? That way I don't have to worry about a damned thing and just show up?!
Ok. All of them are just WAY too farfetched and ridiculously out of my reach at this point in time. So here's the thing, if you want to club then let's go club. Let's club at Zouk or chill at Sound Bar. I don't mind watching a movie as long as it's nothing like The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy which I only watched for half an hour because it just got plain revolting. Coffee is good. Cigarettes... Well I desperately want to quit at this point.
And if you didn't get the point, refer to number one on my list. I really don't know. I really really REALLY don't know. In fact, up until last week I couldn't give my mother an answer as to what I wanted for my birthday. At the moment I think I'd settle for a cheapo charm bracelet (preferably without charms.) (ok fine, one or two are alright but I have stuff to clip on to it so yea. moving on...) that hopefully won't rust considering I hate taking off my jewellery every time I need to take a shower or wash my hands.
Just don't mind me. It's almost 6am, I'm tired, cranky and totally unable to fall asleep.
But here's the part where I'll be nice. WELCOME HOME CELIA!!! And Gill, if you're back, WELCOME HOME!!! Oh oh, Prasad, Durg, CALL ME. I don't have your numbers. I'm still using the same old one ya?
Kuss Kuss
(I think that one day I'm going to stop breathing due to over panicking and hyper ventilation)
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