Psychotic Rock Star

The melancholy life of the Psychotic wannabe Rock Star.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Sometimes people surprise you. That's a given. Heck, sometimes you surprise yourself. You can go out there, put yourself in the world thinking that you're the fighter, the one with a resolve. All it takes is just that one moment. That one person. And everything melts away. All that pain becomes a distant memory. And the risks that you take in life are far better than just sitting and being the coward.

Let's face facts, I was the coward. The one that was so comfortable in her own little, cramped shell who refused to come out and take the world head on. As it turns out, the minute I did, I found that it wasn't so bad. Yes, life is a bitch. But it can be fun.

Because you know that one slight moment that you're really happy? The one small moment? It's worth it. Worth all the pain. That's why I now follow this very simple mantra. You can throw anything at me. You can make me go through hell. But, for quite a few brief periods of times in 21 years of my life, I can honestly say, I was happy.

And you know what? That my friends, is worth living for.

Happy Birthday Daniel
Happy Birthday Sanjay

I hope the two of you will be able to experience the myriad of happiness as I have.


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