Psychotic Rock Star

The melancholy life of the Psychotic wannabe Rock Star.

Monday, February 13, 2006

I was talking to a friend recently who made it very clear to me that if you really cared about someone, you only want them to be happy. Also recently, I found something online that struck a chord. It said, "the more I wish for your happiness the more selfish I become". What then? If you love someone set them free and hope to God that they are happy with someone else or whoever else etc etc?

I somehow get the logic. Aren't relationships supposed to be about trust and all that? So here's the question I have, if a relationship is based on trust, isn't it wrong to break someone's trust even before you're in a relationship?

I spoke to another friend who told me that she did something that's now making her feel miserable. I can relate to that. When she told me the whole story I felt just as helpless as she was. I wish I could have helped her. But I don't know how. I'm in a very strange position at the moment and I'm in no way capable of helping myself. I used to be able to pride myself in helping others and now... I realise that shit, I can't help her. Because she's stuck in the same situation that I'm in. How? There's nothing I can do either right?

She watched the happy people go about their days and then asked me when will she be able to have that happiness. And then I asked her, what makes you think that they're happy all the time. And she couldn't answer. She doesn't realise that it's not the end of the world. She doesn't see herself the way other people do. I'm trying to convince her that she should stop demeaning herself. But hey. No one's really going to listen to me eh? It's easier said than done. But.. we all should savour the moment. Live for now. If we keep worrying about prolonging the good times then we'll miss them. We wouldn't want that right?

Just like what someone told me a long time ago, don't worry about the if's. Stop worrying about things and just go ahead and do it. If you keep on worrying, you'll never know. It's tough especially for people like us. We're half here and half there and chances are it'll get messy because we're in so many different places that we don't know what we want anymore. If you don't take that chance then you'll never know. I hear a lot of people telling me that it can't work or it'll be painful. Doesn't that mean that whatever you have isn't worth anything? You talk about not wanting the other person to be in pain, but that is THEIR choice to make. You can't go around making these decisions for people. You never know. You never know what the person you like is thinking. And even more so, you never know who else out there is going through the same thing because you yourself don't notice them. Sometimes chivalry is a good thing. And at others, it's completely insensitive.


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