Psychotic Rock Star

The melancholy life of the Psychotic wannabe Rock Star.

Saturday, August 27, 2005


Michael's birthday thing was FUN!!!! Apart from the fact that he got thrown up ahahaha :P And for the fact that Jades and the others left early. Omg... Everyone was buying me drinks again! Even though I offered to like pay for peoples' drinks they refused to let me get them any! So yea... I danced with sooo many people that I can't remember half of them!

Towards the end of the night, we were gonna leave but Shawn went back in for some reason or other. I think to go get Johanna. Chris told me to go after him so I did but before I knew it I lost him and found Dumi instead who made me dance with her hot friend. But I don't know what happeneed coz this strange Aussie dude started dancing with me and then I don't know what happened to the hot Indian guy . *sigh*

The cool thing about the Indian dude besides the goatess and the piercings and the gorgeous eyes was the one factor that intrigued me. His hair was longer than mine! Ahahaha...

Also, I bought a Ravi Shankar CD and wanted so badly to buy out the whole of Stussy. Haha. All the same, I'm a happy person who's going for round 2 tonight. It's Charlie's birthday and the cake's in the fridge. Michael loved his blue berry-baileys-honey-chocolate cake. :)

Have to start brain storming for the next birthday thing. I'm still thinking of whether I should send Saf something. I mean, we are friends right? Heh... And I've gotta figure out what to get Shawn. I mean for God's sake, what do you get the rich kid who can practically afford everything and anything he wants?! Anyways, you're ideas are GREATLY appreciated.


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