Psychotic Rock Star

The melancholy life of the Psychotic wannabe Rock Star.

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

You'll never guess who I spoke to today. I don't expect anyone who reads my blog to remember who it is. Heck, I doubt anyone who's reading even knows who it is. But all the same, I spoke to Azura from Secondary School. Haha! She gave me quite a bit of in sight to what's happened since well... way back then. Also, I now have another possibility to add to the list of reasons as to why I keep falling sick all the damned time. I don't believe it to be true, but it's possible all the same. And if you want to say I'm melodramatic, you can fuck off! Irritant.

Portishead remix Portishead remix Portishead remix Portishead remix Portishead remix Portishead remix Portishead remix Portishead remix Portishead remix Portishead remix Portishead remix Portishead remix Portishead remix Portishead remix Portishead remix Portishead remix Portishead remix Portishead remix Portishead remix Portishead remix Portishead remix Portishead remix Portishead remix Portishead remix Portishead remix Portishead remix Portishead remix!!! Whee!! Thank you!! :D


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