Psychotic Rock Star

The melancholy life of the Psychotic wannabe Rock Star.

Saturday, January 29, 2005

Didn't you know that I'm not that kind of person? Did you think that I would kill for you? Fine, that's a bit dramatic. But please, if you think I'll give you everything I am, you are very mistaken. Don't expect people to give you the world when you aren't prepared to give anything in return.

You talk about everything that you've done like it's the greatest thing in the world. Sure, not many people can get into the top schools, not many people are academically wonderful or rich. But if you think that everything you've done is completely worthwhile than I feel very sorry for you. And yet you have the cheek to tell me off. Why don't you look at all the 'wonderful' things that you've done and then come and tell me how admirable you really are.

Let me just say one more thing, feeling like your on top of the world is one thing. Just stop expecting the entire fucking world to think that you're the greatest. At this point, I don't care if you are or if you aren't. Stop being such a know it all.


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