Psychotic Rock Star

The melancholy life of the Psychotic wannabe Rock Star.

Saturday, February 25, 2006

God have mercy on my soul. I'm still awake. I'm not even sleepy. I'm not sleep at all. Not one bit. This is ridiculous. I am so going to die at lunch and dinner and after dinner drinks. I'm going to shoot myself. Seriously.

I've overloaded on Sex and the City. As in I've watched over a season in the past couple of days. This is NOT good. This is NOT good at all! VERY BAD. VERY VERY BAD.

Somebody please shoot me. And let me sleep till 11 coz I have to be in Marina by 1. Then it's a roller coaster ride through the rest of the day. Whether or not everyone can come to Holland V, is another story altogether. I would like to sleep. Really. I would.

And I just heard Charlotte want a Mandarin baby. As opposed to what? A Mandarin Organge? SHEESH! I can't help it. I'm driving myself out of my mind here!!! :|


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