Psychotic Rock Star

The melancholy life of the Psychotic wannabe Rock Star.

Saturday, September 24, 2005


Emil's solemnisation was beautiful. Rini looked great in the white top and skirt she wore. It was so sweet. I could've sworn I saw him tearing.

We drank so much. I haven't been that high in a while. I mean the last time... I threw up. But yea. I caught up with all of them. I love them to bits. I feel like they're like a second family to me. Mig and I were the only ones that didn't sleep. We went outside and sat on the steps and talked and talked and talked till... I don't remember. But yea. Did you know that he is only a month younger than I? Haha! But he's a lot more mature than guys my age. Talking with him was really cool. He asked me to go psychologist on him. I did. Kinda freaked him out a little. :P Turns out that I really do have a knack for these things eh? When I got there with Kenny Ben literally jumped over the couch and ran up to me and hugged the air out of me. It was sweet. He's got a new girlfriend too. Her name's Diana. She did a dip in Developmental Psychology and some private school whose name I can't remember. But it's affiliated with Ngee Ann's ECH. Anyways, I got home about an hour back? Mom was so worried but she wasn't mad. Daddy... I think Daddy's close to giving up on me and curfews HAHA! I love my families to bits. There is nothing in this world that can replace them.

And you know what the cool thing is about all of them? They play better than El. In my opinion at least. AND AND AND. They love music as much as I do.


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