Psychotic Rock Star

The melancholy life of the Psychotic wannabe Rock Star.

Monday, May 09, 2005

I was browsing about the net today. Still sick and therefore unable to go out. Not to mention that I'm saving cash for my fags.. But that's pretty much besides the point. I keep seeing Blatant ignorance? Knowledgeability? I don't know. Doesn't look like they know what they're talking about really. Makes me wonder if I should be labelled goth.

For crying out loud is goth just a dress code? It's not. It's a state of mind. It's a life style pretty much like Wiccan in a sense. I've seen some really strange ones and I sit and wonder how they made it work. Am I looking at things the wrong way? What part of it aren't I getting?

And what's up with people talking to you half way telling you not to say anything and then when you don't they make noise. Make up your minds for crying out loud. Yes, I am irritable. It's been too damned long since I had a stick in hand. It is not funny. My throat won't survive it but at this point I don't really give a flying fuck because I am fed up!!!!!!

People want to treat me like I'm a child that doesn't know anything one minute and the next they expect me to have complete understanding of the universe. I feel like my life is being dictated to me. Why don't the whole fucking lot of you go live my life for me eh? Turn me into some stupid little puppet who can't think for herself. Maybe then you'll shut up. Oh no wait... then you'll be pissed wouldn't you?! God, if you don't like the way I do things then just leave me the hell alone! Nobody is forcing you to hang out or speak to me... Irritants!

And one more thing. Just because I like black, Wiccan and all things gothic DOES NOT MAKE ME A SATANIST! I AM CATHOLIC DAMNIT! C-A-T-H-O-L-I-C! That means I believe in the triple aspect of Hashim. And YES I believe Wiccan. NO it doesn't contradict. Evidently you lot don't know anyone from Ireland. And evidently. I apparently don't have my freedom of religion now do I?!

Why is it that when I'm TRYING so hard to calm myself, I keep getting irritated. And the best part is, I'm beginning to think my house is like a blardy market! No one seems to be able to sit down and be quiet!

You scored as Spike. You scored as Spike. You feel like you're misunderstood. When you care for others, it's deeper than they'll ever know. Though no one thinks you'll change/pull through, you'll show them.



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