Psychotic Rock Star

The melancholy life of the Psychotic wannabe Rock Star.

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Ok. I know I've been off. In fact, I still am. But there isn't anything new that's been bothering me. I mean, I know I'm getting sick again but that's besides the point. Besides, I'm not dying even though sometimes it feels like I'm dying a little bit every day. Isn't that normal?

I find myself... Content in many ways. Like I'm doing thing that I want to do. Living my life as I think I want. But here's the real issue, what happens when you live your life from a day to day basis and you have no real long term goal? I'm trying I guess. I'm doing the best that I can. I'll make it some how. Just one little step at a time. Because the bottom line is, that even if each step is killing me, that same step is giving me more reason to live.


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