Psychotic Rock Star

The melancholy life of the Psychotic wannabe Rock Star.

Saturday, January 28, 2006

I dreamt I was in Poly. And I had to rush out to go to Kenny's house because something or other happened. But when I got there, the outside area looked nothing like Kenny's. There was a garden and all. It looked more like iHouse, Everyone there knew me but I only could recognise Kenny and Alex. For some reason I was freaking out. I can't quite remember why. So, Kenny took me into one of the houses and there were Jada and Madz wtching TV with our new house mate, Aruthur. I got irritated coz the fridge was pathetic, and storage space was non existent. And then, something else happened. This other guy came in and insisted that I couldn't live in that apartment and insisted I had to live in his. I followed him (not a smart idea huh) and sure enough his apartment was huge, gorgeous and it just screamed home. I sat down on the couch as he gave me a cigarette, I lit up and then I woke up. So now I'm awake, drinking tea and hoping Sri comes back soon with my fags.


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