Psychotic Rock Star

The melancholy life of the Psychotic wannabe Rock Star.

Sunday, July 17, 2005

breathing? yes. not quite...

Mom left today. about... 7 or 8 hours ago? No, I didn't cry at the airport. I stopped myself. I'm getting stronger I guess. I'm alive. I'll live. As long as I don't cry.

Uni starts tomorrow. So yea! How cool is that!

Ok enough with the faking. I miss home. I miss my friends. I miss Jon.. Cia... Judy... Luke... Kenny... Rick... Most of all, I miss my brother. I've prayed so hard that everything will be ok. I hope everything's ok back home. I still feel like people are reluctant to tell me what's going on and stuff. I guess I need things to be ok. Even for a little while. The same way I've sworn off sad movies for a month. And I've sworn off telling people about home for a couple of weeks.

Anyways... I wonder what ever happened to Elaine... I'll see her class tomorrow I guess :P


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