There it is again. That feeling. That calling. It's almost like it wants me to take it. It's almost like I have to even though I don't really.
But that's all it is isn't it? Just a feeling. Just like everything else that I can't explain. Fear, Happiness. It's pulling.
That's right. Hate me. Let your hate propel you. Despise me, loathe me. Put me on that unreachable pedestal. In that one spot where you wish you could hurl bullets at. Make me that important to you that you have to put effort to just think of me. Go on. Make me more special that I am. Go ahead. See if I care. Because I'm giving you the time of day right now. Pity that I hold such a high position in your mind while you vent your anger. While in my mind, you're just the thing for me to laugh and blog about all because I don't hate you.
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