Psychotic Rock Star

The melancholy life of the Psychotic wannabe Rock Star.

Friday, January 02, 2004

I give up. Stupid header!! It's sposed to be NICE! It's sposed to say Psychotic Rock Star! I took forever to design it. And this shit ass site refuses to put it up for some strange reason.

I'm looking forward to next Tuesday or Wednesday. And yet I'm a little apprehensive about it. I'm supposed to meet Luke for a bit. To sort things out I suppose. Well then, it's going to be a busy busy first week of school for me then. Isn't that FUN -_-

Kenny and Saf are at Rick's now. I'm too bloody pissed to be the slightest bit envious that some people have all the fun. I'm too pissed with people who are overly mushy. I can't be bothered with friends who ditch you to be with their 'significant' others. Shit man, why can't people practice what they preach?! For that matter, why do people judge each other so much? Hell, I don't even know why I judge people! But I'll tell you one thing. It's good to be concerned over someone but to be self-bloody-righteous and try to make it sound like they HAVE to listen to you is way over the top. I nearly told someone off coz of that today. It's a good thing I was still calm at the time. I am PISSED at people who break their oppointments. Why tell someone you're gonna be there when you are SO FRIGGIN NOT?!

Most of all, I am so damned pissed at the idea that I AM SHOPPING DEPRIVED!!!!!! DAMNIT! *breath* *breath*

There, now that felt remotely better.


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